soffice -invisible -convert-to xls myfile.xml
In this case convert a xml file to xls. If you want a PDF file just change to:
soffice -invisible -convert-to pdf myfile.doc
You can use any kind of files supported by OpenOffice as input, and can define the parameter -convert-to to any format supported by Open Office.
I will now just talk about xml to xls, because is very most trick. And to PDF is simple like that above, nothing more to say about it.
To generate a xml valid to Open Office is not easy because the character encode, in my case portuguese iso-8859-15. I had a nightmare, but at end was more simple than seemed.
I save my data in DB utf8_encode then I have to use this function stringToExcelXML to decode and convert to XML special characters format.
Below my PHP code that build the XML compatible with OpenOffice and MSOffice:
include '../include/config.php';
try {
$rows = MySQL::Create('SELECT * FROM `Client` WHERE `Name` LIKE ?name ORDER BY `Name`')
->Parameter('name', '%'.$_GET['name'].'%', 'string')
} catch(MySQLException $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
$outputFileName = 'export_'. date ('Ymd_His');
function stringToExcelXML($string){
$string = htmlspecialchars(utf8_decode($string));
$string = str_replace("\x01", "\x20", $string);
return $string;
$f = fopen('../export/'. $outputFileName .'.xml', "w");
fwrite($f, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, '<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, '<Workbook');
fwrite($f, ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"');
fwrite($f, ' xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"');
fwrite($f, ' xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"');
fwrite($f, ' xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"');
fwrite($f, ' xmlns:html="">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Author>Candidatures</Author>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <LastAuthor>Candidatures</LastAuthor>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Created>'. date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z') .'</Created>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Company>Candidatures</Company>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Version>1</Version>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </DocumentProperties>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <WindowHeight>6795</WindowHeight>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <WindowWidth>8460</WindowWidth>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <WindowTopX>120</WindowTopX>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <WindowTopY>15</WindowTopY>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ProtectStructure>False</ProtectStructure>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ProtectWindows>False</ProtectWindows>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </ExcelWorkbook>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Styles>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom" />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Borders />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Font />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Interior />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <NumberFormat />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Protection />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Style>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Style ss:ID="s21">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Bold="1" />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Style>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Styles>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Worksheet ss:Name="Clients">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="2" ss:ExpandedRowCount="'. (isset($rows) ? count($rows) : 0) .'"');
fwrite($f, ' x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Row>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s21">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Data ss:Type="String">Id</Data>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Cell>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s21">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Data ss:Type="String">Name</Data>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Cell>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Row>'. chr(13));
if (isset($rows)) {
foreach($rows as $row) {
fwrite($f, ' <Row>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s21">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Data ss:Type="String">'. $row['Id'] .'</Data>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Cell>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Cell ss:StyleID="s21">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Data ss:Type="String">'. stringToExcelXML($row['Name']) .'</Data>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Cell>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Row>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Table>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <WorksheetOptions xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Print>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ValidPrinterInfo />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <HorizontalResolution>600</HorizontalResolution>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <VerticalResolution>600</VerticalResolution>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Print>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Selected />'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Panes>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Pane>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <Number>3</Number>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ActiveRow>5</ActiveRow>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ActiveCol>1</ActiveCol>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Pane>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Panes>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ProtectObjects>False</ProtectObjects>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' <ProtectScenarios>False</ProtectScenarios>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </WorksheetOptions>'. chr(13));
fwrite($f, ' </Worksheet>'. chr(13));
$excelFile = '../export/'. $outputFileName .'.xls';
while (true) {
if (file_exists($excelFile)) {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='. $outputFileName .'.xls');
header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-length: '. filesize($excelFile));
Attention with worksheet name <Worksheet ss:Name="Clients"> and the number of columns <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="2" ... and the encoding="iso-8859-15".
This block of code below will wait the OpenOffice finish the creation of file XLS.
$excelFile = '../export/'. $outputFileName .'.xls';
while (true) {
if (file_exists($excelFile)) {
This service made with shell script need still running all time to build XLSs using OpenOffice:
cd /var/www/htdocs/export
while true
for f in `ls *.xml`
sleep 1
echo "$f"
soffice -invisible -convert-to xls "$f"
sleep 15
chmod a+rwx *.xls
rm -f "$f"
sleep 1
Turn the file as executable:
chmod +x /var/www/services/openoffice_to_xls/
A start script will be useful:
rm -f /var/www/services/openoffice_to_xls/nohup.out
nohup /var/www/services/openoffice_to_xls/ &
Turn the file as executable:
chmod +x /var/www/services/openoffice_to_xls/
Now just start the service:
All of this is very trick and to works with MSOffice 2010 and OpenXML... and to this work exists the PHPExcel that is much more elegant:
But to build office legacy files perhaps these tricks will be useful to do workarounds.
Have fun and good nightmares.
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